Recent content by African Dream

  1. African Dream


    Shweet bra LR! Good to meet you. Northern/Southern SA?
  2. African Dream

    Man To PD: I'm Growing Marijuana

    Heish. I heard of a local SA guy who knocked on a cop's door at his house and asked him for help regarding some guys who stole his money when he wanted to buy weed.
  3. African Dream

    Dutch To Ban Drugs For Tourists

    It would be very sad if they close the coffeeshops before me and the Missus get the chance to visit. We are planning to do this trip within the next two years. So you friendly folks of The Dam have some time to stock up and start curing. Hehe.
  4. African Dream

    South African Strains

    Once Lowridersa! Some lekker stuff you have there. May this coming harvest be epic for all on our continent! ride on bra. AD
  5. African Dream


    Heita people. I am a madly curious canna fan who can't wait to start growing. Viva African conditions! Haha.
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