Recent content by Airnar

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    new Grower with questions...please help im a noob..

    been a couple of weeks now and my sprouts have kinda stopped growing and this morning they started to look yellow and droopy some one told me it might be a nitrogen diff. or that i over watered them. i only water a little bit a day and i think i will stop watering today and see if that helps. if...
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    new Grower with questions...please help im a noob..

    checked my plants this morning and one of them sprouted (im so happy) anywho got another question now that my seed has sprouted how often should i water. I read that misting new plants is a bad thing and watering the soil too much could kill the root system, I also read that I should let the...
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    new Grower with questions...please help im a noob..

    got my seeds today and already started also found a survival blanket in an old 1st aid kit. but i have another question.... how should i place the blanket right now i have it on a table like a tablecloth and i am going to put my plants on top of it well that work or should i mount it on the...
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    new Grower with questions...please help im a noob..

    i did decide on my soil mix its a store brand potting mix called kellogg it seems to have everything that a lot mixes ask for like worm casings and other types of plant food and Fertilizer and its organic and costs about 4$ a bag
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    new Grower with questions...please help im a noob..

    well i was wandering around the internet looking for more info and found this. it fit my budget and was pretty easy to make now with this many lights should i still lower them to 2inch above the plants?
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    new Grower with questions...please help im a noob..

    there is also a overhead light i didnt mention it before becuase i couldnt find any info about it but i just tested the room with all the lights on and the fan going with the door cracked open, i sat in there for a good 30min and i was very comfortable it didnt feel to hot or to cold was very...
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    new Grower with questions...please help im a noob..

    i also forgot to mention that my neighbours are hindu and im hoping that the indian food they cook might help mask the smell as for my wife she just bought a new car so she owes me :P
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    new Grower with questions...please help im a noob..

    i did some poking around in my future grow room and it looks like i cant cut a vent to the outside...bummer i did read that someone had almost the same problem as me and he fixed it by leaving the door open a little bit and putting a fan on the ground for the intake. My garage is a 2 car and its...
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    new Grower with questions...please help im a noob..

    it looks like i can only cut into one wall that leads to the outside as i said before this room is under the stairs. Would leaving the door open to the garage give it enough fresh air? and putting the vent up top get rid of some of the heat and smell? also i do have a very nice fan its very...
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    new Grower with questions...please help im a noob..

    it does look like i can make a vent near the bottom or would putting it at the top be better. it would have to be a regular sized vent would that be enough?
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    new Grower with questions...please help im a noob..

    its about 8ft long 5ft wide and the height goes from 1ft to about 7ft i can leave the door open during the day if that would help with ventilation and the smell and for my 1st grow i was thinking only growing 2 plants i know i have the space to grow more but i know more plants more smell...are...
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    new Grower with questions...please help im a noob..

    The 1st time i smoked i was about 13 years old and i just fell in love with it.I am now 30 years old and have been smoking sense. i have also been married for 10 years and my wife smokes also we do smoke for recreation and when we are feeling sick or sore from everyday life challenges. She...
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