Recent content by amirpr

  1. My Plant

    My Plant

    So this is my first plant i ever tried growing, germinated the seed, got some amazing soil and i have been giving in direct sunlight 12 hours a day, basically it gets sun from sunrise until the suns out. Its been about 9 weeks now, i started watering only when the soil was dry, which was around...
  2. My Plant

    My Plant

    So this is my first plant i ever tried growing, germinated the seed, got some amazing soil and i have been giving in direct sunlight 12 hours a day, basically it gets sun from sunrise until the suns out. Its been about 9 weeks now, i started watering only when the soil was dry, which was around...
  3. My Plant

    My Plant

    So this is my first plant i ever tried growing, germinated the seed, got some amazing soil and i have been giving in direct sunlight 12 hours a day, basically it gets sun from sunrise until the suns out. Its been about 9 weeks now, i started watering only when the soil was dry, which was around...
  4. My Plant

    My Plant

    So this is my first plant i ever tried growing, germinated the seed, got some amazing soil and i have been giving in direct sunlight 12 hours a day, basically it gets sun from sunrise until the suns out. Its been about 9 weeks now, i started watering only when the soil was dry, which was around...
  5. My Plant

    My Plant

    So this is my first plant i ever tried growing, germinated the seed, got some amazing soil and i have been giving in direct sunlight 12 hours a day, basically it gets sun from sunrise until the suns out. Its been about 9 weeks now, i started watering only when the soil was dry, which was around...
  6. My Plant

    My Plant

    So this is my first plant i ever tried growing, germinated the seed, got some amazing soil and i have been giving in direct sunlight 12 hours a day, basically it gets sun from sunrise until the suns out. Its been about 9 weeks now, i started watering only when the soil was dry, which was around...
  7. My Plant

    My Plant

    So this is my first plant i ever tried growing, germinated the seed, got some amazing soil and i have been giving in direct sunlight 12 hours a day, basically it gets sun from sunrise until the suns out. Its been about 9 weeks now, i started watering only when the soil was dry, which was around...
  8. My Plant

    My Plant

    So this is my first plant i ever tried growing, germinated the seed, got some amazing soil and i have been giving in direct sunlight 12 hours a day, basically it gets sun from sunrise until the suns out. Its been about 9 weeks now, i started watering only when the soil was dry, which was around...
  9. My Plant

    My Plant

    So this is my first plant i ever tried growing, germinated the seed, got some amazing soil and i have been giving in direct sunlight 12 hours a day, basically it gets sun from sunrise until the suns out. Its been about 9 weeks now, i started watering only when the soil was dry, which was around...
  10. A

    Anyone know whats wrong with my plant?

    I'm sorry, i didn't realise this had to be done. I saw the image icon on the HTML editor and assumed it was ok. I'll do that now, thank you
  11. A

    Anyone know whats wrong with my plant?

    Hi Guys New hear, new to growing also, hope all is well. So this is my first plant i ever tried growing, germinated the seed, got some amazing soil and i have been giving in direct sunlight 12 hours a day, basically it gets sun from sunrise until the suns out. Its been about 9 weeks now, i...
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