Recent content by anitaheaven15

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    Stilletto's Continuous Experiment of Maximizing a Soilless Grow

    hey there, just checked out your grow and all i can say is yummy! my mouth was watering. it also awnsered my question as to why one of my plants is yellow at tips. im growing in soil but have been giving too much nutrients. it is probably water ph too but as im poverty stricken at moment can...
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    hi there

    Re: hi there, right back at ya hamster. im assuming my ph is wrong cos my tomato plants leaves have got a teeny tip of yellow on all its tips. was thinking it wasnt the soil as i used canadian express and have been feeding them a liquid food with seaweed and blood and bone extract. they are...
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    hi there

    Re: hi there, thankyou for replying. just realised that i didnt mention im growing in soil. must have been smokn too much (or just enough?) tee hee!
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    hi there

    Re: hi there, thank you for replying. i just realised i didnt say that im growing in soil. would that product still work?
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    hi there

    my name is anita. ive joined 420 because ive just started an indoor crop, and although i have grown outdoors before this is my first indoor crop. so i have some questions i need awnsered. congratulations to all those states in the u.s. who managed to get cannabis decriminalised. i live in new...
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