Recent content by anticlaus

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    5Gallon DWC - Fire Alien Urkel - Does this look normal to you?

    You know how it is - things look great and you start hunting for problems! First time with this little system I built - always assume I'm messing it up somehow. Never grown this strain but I've seen the finished product of the mothers other babies and it was stellar. Def goes purple (urkel) and...
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    5Gallon DWC - Fire Alien Urkel - Does this look normal to you?

    There are some little signs the breed isn't 100% stable. Hmm.. I didn't think it would manifest in these types of ways. So you don't think it is a lack or excess of anything right off the bat but more a genetic flaw?
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    5Gallon DWC - Fire Alien Urkel - Does this look normal to you?

    Oh and no AC in there. Basement with windows.
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    5Gallon DWC - Fire Alien Urkel - Does this look normal to you?

    Hi! Thanks for respondin. / temp range is 79 high and 68 low (lights off). Humidity is between 38-45 % at all times (so says my cheap meter). Yes that's the only fan for the room aside from the 6" inline fan that pulls the heat off the lights.
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    5Gallon DWC - Fire Alien Urkel - Does this look normal to you?

    Hopefully I have posted this in the right place..
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    5Gallon DWC - Fire Alien Urkel - Does this look normal to you?

    Hello Masters and Mistresses of all things Hydro! This is my first post so please be kind - I'll try to adhere to the format asked for in the "sticky". First the details: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What Strain is it? Fire Alien...
  7. Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

    Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

  8. Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

    Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

  9. Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

    Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

  10. Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

    Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

  11. Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

    Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

  12. Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

    Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

  13. Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

    Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

  14. Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

    Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

  15. Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

    Fire Alien Urkel 6_15

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