Recent content by Antimatter

  1. Antimatter


    sure thing, in till then, if I hear anything more I will create a post so that every one can know whats happen.:grinjoint:
  2. Antimatter


    Sorry it toke me so long to get back to you doobie, I cant PM yet need 50 post, But all I know about NC and SC is what my sister tells me. (she works for the state) They are watching very closely as to what kind of revenue CA is going to bring in, in taxes, It my understanding from my sister...
  3. Antimatter

    Hydro Grow: California Orange Bud

    Looks great, Wish mine was as nice:cool:
  4. Antimatter

    The VipersNest pic fest

    that's so great, Not that big yet but im getting there lol :yummy:
  5. Antimatter


    Hey, Dont sweet it to much roseman, 13 of 50 states so far and there is talk of maybe S.C and N.C joining the ranks next year all good things to thoughs who are patient. :rasta: See ya later.:peacetwo:
  6. Antimatter


    HI, every one my name is Matt, But most online know me as Antimatter, I live in Michigan, and as you know we just passed our medical marijuana act. I am both a care giver and a patient. I was hopping to get to know every one and would love to get Michigan in with both California and Colorado, as...
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