Recent content by ApuCheddar

  1. A

    Help - Question about my clone - Trim leaves before rooting? Mini-DWC cloner

    I'm no hydro expert, but I always trim my clone leaves back personally. Helps the plant focus on growing roots to start with rather than putting it's energy into producing leaves.
  2. A

    Seedlings showing signs they're males at 3 weeks?

    Na they're not autos. Know that's what males show, but never had them come through so early. Would that mean the others at the same age that haven't come through are fems?
  3. A

    Seedlings showing signs they're males at 3 weeks?

    Have since altered the nute defs and thrips. Photos from a week ago.
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    Seedlings showing signs they're males at 3 weeks?

    Hey Everyone Growing 6 new seedlings from germination, they're now in 4litre pots with a 70/30 mix of soil to perlite and a smidge of vermiculite. Humidity and temp are fine and the light cycle hasn't switched from 18/6, but they're weirdly showing signs of being males. Could this be down...
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  8. 3 week old

    3 week old

  9. 3 week old

    3 week old

  10. 3 week old

    3 week old

  11. A

    Help me diagnose

    Also noticed the nut burn in the tips, will be lowering the feed slightly
  12. A

    Help me diagnose

    They seem to have bounced back a little with the new growth coming through. Putting it down to the stress of being re-potted and treating for thrips a bit to close together. Issue now is, the thrips have moved over to my seedlings. Need to get rid of all the buggers before the do serious damage...
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