Recent content by arnold789

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    First Time Grower - Lemon Haze - Bag Seed - 225W CFL - Closet Grow

    The roots are yellow most of the leaves fell of with the exception of the small sugar leaves still green and healthy the bud has seemed to grow a bit I will post a pic for you guys in a sec by the way I am on DAY #54 of flowering
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    First Time Grower - Lemon Haze - Bag Seed - 225W CFL - Closet Grow

    Thank you for leaving a reply You speak words of truth :thumb: thanks for the advice!
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    First Time Grower - Lemon Haze - Bag Seed - 225W CFL - Closet Grow

    any suggestions should I harvest now and try and save the little bud i have or let it go for another week or so?
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    First Time Grower - Lemon Haze - Bag Seed - 225W CFL - Closet Grow

    I think I might have root rot guys what does this mean ? early harvest should I wait it out ?
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    First Time Grower - Lemon Haze - Bag Seed - 225W CFL - Closet Grow

    your guides were very insightful thank you for sharing them the second grow will go great I know it right now I have 300W and started buying water with a solid PH of 7 (Here where I live water is treated a lot so i think the PH levels are quite wacky)
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    Root Rot on a flowering sativa

    The first photo just shows how much leaves i have lost
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    Root Rot on a flowering sativa

    So the title explains it all I think i have root rot on my girl... it was my first grow and I am nearing the end I ahve learned a lot during the grow the second grow will be x1000 better. This is the problem... WHAT SHOULD I DO??? Chemicals to kill the root fungus is a no no seeming...
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