Recent content by Asher1er

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    Mota's First Indoor Grow - White Widow, Northen Lights & Big Blue

    Mota i actually went out and bought some root stimulator and some grow stimulator after reading through your thread...i tried getting the same exact products but none of the local shops had the canna line in stocck so i went with b'cuzz..i will keep an eye on this thread and you bet im looking...
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    Mota's First Indoor Grow - White Widow, Northen Lights & Big Blue

    Hey Mota nice grow!! im new aswell and i found this site and thread while searching through google for the b'cuzz hydromix. I went to the hydro shop to buy some pro-mix to make a mix from a recipe given to me and the owner told me to give the b'cuzz stuff a try so i am but mixed in with perlite...
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