Recent content by autostoner

  1. A

    2 x AutoMazar - 2 x 250W HID - Organic - LST - SCROG

    Only one of them survived but it didn't manage to get big cause it is auto and lost time and started to flower.
  2. A

    2 x AutoMazar - 2 x 250W HID - Organic - LST - SCROG

    I have not watered yet and still have not grown. The colour is definately pale.
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  5. A

    2 x AutoMazar - 2 x 250W HID - Organic - LST - SCROG

    I thought i maybe overwatered so 2 days before i placed a computer fan hitting directly to the pots and the soil have dried a bit out to the surface but inside is still moist. Tomorrow will put them in bigger pots i guess. The damping off disease kill or weaken seeds or seedlings before or...
  6. 20151103_153232


  7. 20151103_153226


  8. 20151103_153215


  9. A

    2 x AutoMazar - 2 x 250W HID - Organic - LST - SCROG

    They have many roots developed although it is very little and stunted. Re-pot? Are you sure? If it is damping off fungus, it will spread to all the new soil. The most obvious reason i tell is fungus is because the stem at the soil level is very weird. Thin and shriveled, as the foto i saw...
  10. A

    2 x AutoMazar - 2 x 250W HID - Organic - LST - SCROG

    Bad news. Since the day i captured the previous photos, the girls have not grow at all, not a single milimeter,they have just stayed in the first pair of leaves as the photos above. In addition, they have a light pale green colour,are drouping and the stem is purple/black and the stem at the...
  11. A

    2 x AutoMazar - 2 x 250W HID - Organic - LST - SCROG

    The height of the closet is 1.80 m (~6 feet) but the lights will shorten it about 20cm. I will be watering with bottled water once or twice per week, only when the soil feels dry at the surface and will start slowly at 1/4 strenth the biobizz nutes when they are 2 weeks old, in a week from now...
  12. A

    2 x AutoMazar - 2 x 250W HID - Organic - LST - SCROG

    Hi guys. Thanks for your advices. I figured out that i have to hold the phone with volume buttons down. Stanovich, I guess i have to, the roots appeared already. After 1 or 2 weeks i going to transplant them to the big 13 L pots. I know the autos don't like transplant, but it had to use the...
  13. A

    2 x AutoMazar - 2 x 250W HID - Organic - LST - SCROG

    Have read the how-to upload and resize, i rotate them at correct orientation before upload but still are uploading wrong. any solution?
  14. 51161


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