Recent content by Aviendha

  1. A

    Seedling already yellowing: help please

    Any ideas as too why? Water does not stay saturated (I had just watered). Also when should I top it? Thanks!
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  3. A

    Cookies 'N' Cream Indoor Grow

    Also I had just watered before taking this. It's not usually saturated like that.
  4. A

    Cookies 'N' Cream Indoor Grow

    Currently just have this little guy. Seems a little young to be yellowing already. Thoughts? Also at what point do I first top it?
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  6. A

    Outdoor lighting help

    Sadly I don't have a better spot with more light. My neighbor has a large tree that overshadows most of my property.
  7. A

    Outdoor lighting help

  8. A

    Outdoor lighting help

    I have an area I'd like to grow maybe 3 plants. It has a wind break and is very private. Only thing is it only gets about 7 hours of direct sunlight and the rest indirect or shade. Could it still work with this lighting? Thanks!
  9. A

    Pacific Northwest outdoor grow question

    So I have a nice space for a few plants in my backyard. I will be bringing in some soil before planting as well. Before I plant what temperatures should I make sure we are above at night? How far apart should they be planted? Secrecy is not an issue. Thanks!
  10. A

    Please help! Transplanting but have a question

    I have two little plants that I'm up potting from 1 gal to 5 gal. Both plants are having some deficiency problems (probably because the nutes were too week and y pH pen was off and then broke). I have a new pen now but should I feel them after transplant? Just not sure because of the nutes in...
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    Avi's First Time Around

    Sorry for going MIA! Got sick for a few weeks and then lost my job to boot! Oh well thing will go on :) While I was sick the girls got a biut hungry and I neglected them. I don't have any pictures at their worst but I've been feeding them a little daily. Nutes are 1 tsp FoxFarns Grow and 1/2 tsp...
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