Recent content by BlackDiesel

  1. BlackDiesel

    Bongtastic's Beginner's Guide to Autoflowering Cannabis

    Hey Bongtastic. i have a question about pruning i am growing a single auto flower in the same conditions as you apart from i only i have one 150watt cfl lamp over the plant so the lower leaves and tiny lower tops do not get much light would you recommend pruning the lower tops that will only...
  2. BlackDiesel

    Emergency Advice needed!

    I tied them back and created some more space but she wont stop growing im going to have to tie her down again each day i think :). On a side note. My girlfriend let the police into my house this morning. They knocked on the door because they are trying to arrest my neighbour and wanted to see...
  3. Tidy plant

    Tidy plant

  4. BlackDiesel

    Emergency Advice needed!

    Hopefully she will stop growing soon then and the buds forming start weighing her down a bit. She's mainly indica she was advertised as being Small to medium in height which she is. my grow box is only 3ft tall so with the lights and the plant pot she must only be 2.5 feet. Im going to have to...
  5. BlackDiesel

    Emergency Advice needed!

    Your plants look really healthy to me. The discolouration in the top photo looks like a PH problems you can find out more about it here (wont let me post the link... search google for ph problems ) Im sure theres loads of threads on here...
  6. BlackDiesel

    Emergency Advice needed!

    I thought that may be the case. I bought some more string. I am going to try tie it down tomorrow during lights on hopefully that will work. Thanks
  7. BlackDiesel

    Emergency Advice needed!

    I haven't actually heard about this iv'e been topping (this is my first grow) Bending the stems seems like a'lot less stress to the plant Going to try this on my next grow! Thanks.
  8. BlackDiesel

    Emergency Advice needed!

    Re: Emergency Advice needed!!!! Npk 5 6 10 *
  9. BlackDiesel

    Emergency Advice needed!

    Hello Everybody, I'm 14 Days into flowering and my baby has tripled in size the problem is she's got so big she's almost touching the lights in my grow box and i cannot raise them anymore as the are as high as they can be. Ive already separated the tops using string to provide a more even...


    My lights are as high as they will go amp;nbsp;and my plants just keeps on stretching out!


    Week 1 of flowering Phoebe my lemon kush plant named after my gf (because she was getting jellies of the amount of attention i give her) Does anyone know if the yellowing of leaves is nute burn or just natural yellowing from flowering?
  12. BlackDiesel

    Molasses for stickier buds?

    We should maybe take into account when reading this experiment that the chemicals applied to the paddy fields were Industrial grade chemicals (The stuff farmers spray on crops and fertilise the soil with tend to be much stronger than store bought chemicals in my experience and applied in much...
  13. BlackDiesel

    Organic Nutes for Noobs

    Thanks Conradino23. As usual providing us noobs with pure gold information :) Advanced nutes are quite reasonably priced. I have found a local hydro shop round the corner from me i will see if they stock them when i get chance to go take a shopping trip!
  14. BlackDiesel

    Molasses for stickier buds?

    i have approximately 5 weeks left of flowering so i might be too later i'll let you know how it turns out!
  15. BlackDiesel

    Molasses for stickier buds?

    Ok so new plan Step1. Flush Flush FLush. Step2. Replace top Inch of soil with fresh compost. Step 3. Water with molasses (so the new microbes can have a feast) Step 4. Make own fertiliser of dried banana and peel, coffee grounds and crushed egg shell. Step 5. Feed the organic ferts for the rest...
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