Recent content by BLAZEBIGBUDZ

  1. B

    Growing Outside and Inside - Hybrid Setup

    i do that every day and they love the sunlight more but hey do wut you gotta do:goodluck:
  2. B

    New Grower

    as for outside if in direct sunlight there wont be any strech:thumb:
  3. B

    New Grower

    how big of a pot are you using? my oldest would of looked puny next to yours when it was one month then i put it in a 6" pot outside since july and its bout 14" now i started bringing it in to finish off 18 hour light bout 2 weeks ago no nutes just FFOF now its in a 3 gallon pot cant wait to see...
  4. B

    New Grower

    looks healthy..45 days old? how much light are you using??
  5. B

    First Time Grow Let Me Know What You Think

    any help why my bottom leaves keep on dieing??!!
  6. B

    First Time Grow Let Me Know What You Think

    One 4Month its been threw alot but its a female!! One 2Month aka Nemo Two 1Month Mysteryz I had different kinds of seeds so i aint sure what they are..Growing 18/6 10 sunlight 8 inside..Using FOX FARM ocean forest soil no nutes.. trasplanted the older ones into bigger pots...... So what...
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