Recent content by BlazinRose

  1. B

    Pipe & Bong Names

    I have my First Bowl named Wanda. My second bowl is named The Khalessi (Game of Thrones anyone?), and my brand new addition of my bubbler named Pan's Labyrinth Enjoy your tokes ;)
  2. B

    Tuesday Afternoon

    Well, it's an absolutely gorgeous Tuesday Afternoon, in the beginning of August. But I'm BlazinRose, BR, Rose, whatever works. I'm an everyday toker. Will post more later, but now I'm off to photograph nature.
  3. B

    Tuesday Afternoon

    Tuesday Afternoon
  4. B

    Wake and bake b4 doctors appointment?

    I do, my doctors know I smoke. My Rheumatologist tells me its good to help with my joint pain. :yahoo:
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