Recent content by BongHit

  1. 060306_1215a


  2. 060306_1217a


  3. BongHit


    thats what I was hoping to hear:headbang: I didn't want to have to wait a hole year before I could get it. thanks
  4. BongHit


    thanks for the info... I'll try to find more info and if I do I'll post here.
  5. BongHit


    I am going to be moving to Cali. soon and was wondering how long I have to live there before I can get Medical Marijuana?
  6. BongHit

    Thrown out of a hydroponics store.

    I also thank you mods for the great job you are doing and not banning me for disagreeing with you. I wear my weed shirts everywhere that I can and hopefully we won't have to hide it forever.
  7. BongHit

    Most drug users drive intoxicated: survey

    I will smoke and drive but WILL NOT drive and drink... smoking does not get me nearly as messed up as drinking and I think I am more then capable of smoking and driving. But I have never done ecstasy and would not drive if I ever tryed it.
  8. BongHit

    Thrown out of a hydroponics store.

    thats the way to do it... keep it out of the government's hands. then we can make up our own rules like (I'll give you a deal and you smoke a bowl with me:passitleft: ) that way were not paying taxes for our stuff and supporting them.
  9. BongHit

    What do you like to do when you are high

    Re: how do u spend ur past time? I fish, hunt, camp, and just about anything outdoors including smoking my bowl in the woods.
  10. BongHit

    Thrown out of a hydroponics store.

    I totally agree... but everyplace has there own rules just like here if you don't fallow the rules you pay the price. If you had a friend that don't smoke or like that stuff in his house would you wear it or have a little respect for his house and not wear it? it is just a matter of respect and...
  11. BongHit


    what humidity should I have my grow room at?
  12. BongHit


    just thought I would stop in and say hello... this is a great looking site with allot of great info. I'm sure I'll be here for a long time to come.
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