Recent content by BongHoots

  1. B

    Need Help With Sexing & Nutrition Issues?

    2 and 3 i dont beleive are showing thats why no close picture. my lights are on 24h , why would these show like this?there all the same unknown seed strain, thinking i might have a bad genetic strain with all the males and hermies if gottten
  2. B

    Need Help With Sexing & Nutrition Issues?

    1 + 4 are getting the boot ! hope the others come around, more room for my feminized seeds in the cups !
  3. B

    Need Help With Sexing & Nutrition Issues?

    im using promix soil and iv gave them some nutes , light dose of MG and some epsom salt mixture, sometimes just plain water, going to invest in some cal mag nutes !
  4. B

    Need Help With Sexing & Nutrition Issues?

    re: Need Help With Sexing & Nutrition Issues? any1?
  5. B

    Need Help With Sexing & Nutrition Issues?

    ok need help with these please. 1-4 are unknown seed plants.. i have a few questions i will list i need answered . is 1 male or female? i see the odd white pistol but mainly what you see in the pic 2 looks female to me but looks wilted ans yellowing leaves. what could be my issue? is 4...
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