Recent content by bongtokinbud

  1. B

    Pictures of glass..

    roorman is my hero... his collection is pretty impressive. I really wish I had that many pieces, lol. thats crazy insane
  2. B

    Pictures of glass..

    thanks guys, i just wanted to be sure. well, might as well start cleaning, lol. Bongs up and Peace out..
  3. B

    Pictures of glass..

    so heres a question, may be stupid, may not be. oh well.. so if i posted pictures up, namely of my glass, did they have to be clean? like to brand new specs? or can i post them dirty? I was just wondering, thanks guys! I love this place!
  4. B

    Help me stay alive

    Wow man.. nicely put indeed. I will be praying for you. God Bless!!
  5. B

    Info on Legends Ultimate Indica?...

    hmmm.. looks tasty.. Im excited! lol. Thanks man, i appreciate that pic. its real pretty.
  6. B

    Marijauna as a pain killer

    Actually alcohol thins out you blood, therefore thinning your tattoo out and losing its color. Mary Jayne on the other hand I am not sure of.. but I really cant feel much of any pain while smoking.. I use it as a pain killer and it really makes life that much better.. I do have two tattoos...
  7. B

    Info on Legends Ultimate Indica?...

    Hey guys, i got some Legends ultimate indica lined up for next week, but i have never tried it. What are your comments on it? and also, anyone got any pics of it. Just interested in learning. Thanks!
  8. B

    Jack Herer!

    Jack is definitely one of my newer best friends. Its really had to get this kinda stuff up where i live but i just picked up an 8th for 50, and an 8th of sweet tooth before that for the same price.. both are definitely up there on my list. Keep it burnin!!;)
  9. Jack Herer

    Jack Herer

    dank as shit bud.. my new best friend Jack!
  10. B

    What up guys?

    Hey guys, whats up? just wanted to say hi and i have been looking and reading this site for a little while but finally signed up!.. Happy Tokin!!
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