Recent content by bow chikka

  1. B

    Adding a light during flower?

    Sup y'all?! So I have a question: I'm currently running 2x 400w Optic Led Optic 4 lights in a 5x5 grow tent with 6 plants. Currently in day 28/70 flower cycle Ive sealed up my room and am running co2 and my plants seem to be doing absolutely great but I'm thinking I could definitely...
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    Help me identify leaf problem?

    Just curious, can anyone explain why adding nutrients lowers the ph? Feel free to talk nerdy to me ;) I love the technical details (ions exchange, etc.)
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    Help me identify leaf problem?

    Little update: Ph tester came in yesterday. Tested the RO water and was 9.0 Adjusted 2 gallons down to 6.0 Tested the run off after adding the 2 gallons to get an idea of what the soil ph was at and it read 6.2. I think this is okay for soiless veganic growing. Added 1/2 nutes solution to...
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    Help me identify leaf problem?

    Kind of have an idea. I was basically gonna water them till water is flowing out of the bottom of the bottoms. Usually give them each about a gallon and it barely leaks out the bottom so maybe give each plant 2 gallons. I will do it on my next watering be sure I'm using ph adjusted water...
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    Help me identify leaf problem?

    For reference I am on day 16/70 flower cycle. If this effects the benefits/detriments of flushing
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    Help me identify leaf problem?

    So I was talking to my close friend who I confide in often wth my grow as he is a well experience grower as well as he works in the commercial grow industry... He mentioned the idea to do a flush. He was talking about how with veganics you can have salts build up around the roots that can...
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    Help me identify leaf problem?

    Thanks Chris! I'll put an order in for one of those pens. I think I'll try feeding the Ghost of Leroy separate from the rest with a higher cal/mag dose. Can I expect the rusting of these leaves to reverse and go back to green? Or is the damage already done and now it's just about...
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    Help me identify leaf problem?

    Sorry let me clarify further, The 40ml I fed last week and 75ml I fed this morning were directly of the cal/mag nutrient solution from VegaMatrix. I actually haven't checked the ph of my water (I'm using reverse osmosis water) as I assumed with veganics and soiless growing ph was not a major...
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    Help me identify leaf problem?

    Wow appreciate the quick response. I was going off my nurtrient companies feeding chart: 40ml for 5 gallons divided amongst 6 plants. So each plant was getting roughly 7ml I just bumped it up to 75ml for 5 gallons with this weeks first feeding. The companies recommends 50-100ml for this weeks...
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    Help me identify leaf problem?

    Hey ya'll this is my first grow and im experiencing my first sign of a potential problem. Please see the photo below: I just starting seeing this on the upper leaves of one of my 6 plants. Its not on the top-most leaves but rather on the mature leaves below the top most growth. This is on...
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    MassGrows Takes On COB LEDs

    Was this directed to me ? If so I don't know where this is coming from haha
  12. B

    MassGrows Takes On COB LEDs

    I have 2 optic 4's blowing up a 5x5 tent and am loving them so far. With that said, just came across this website which appears to be selling the exact Optic 4 & Optic 6 under a different brand and significantly cheaper ?? SunPlusLED | United States I emailed Weston at Optic LED on this just...
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