Recent content by brkoons

  1. B

    Seedling help

    well incase anyone was following lol the coloration was too much water and the curling was due to heat and humidity the problem is fixed and there healthy so far lol...
  2. B

    Seedling help

    i was running 24 hour light also and the H was 37% so i put a humidifier in there to try and get it to a %50 and also i am slowly gonna cut back the light to 20 on 4 off cuz im also useing co2 now so i hope all this fixes it lol...
  3. B

    Seedling help

    heres the photo of the rolling Pictures by brkoons - Photobucket
  4. B

    Seedling help

    i have a few of my seedlings that are 12 days old acting funny its my first grow ph is 6.5 i used crappy soil i think... i used miricle grow moisture control but i dont think thats the problem cuz some of them are fine.. im useing a 400w mh that is 16 inch from them... but any waqys my problems...
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