Recent content by bryan727

  1. B

    Help me please - Bag seed - First grow

    ill have more pics up friday
  2. B

    Help me please - Bag seed - First grow

    Exactly laws here are strick so im doing a gurilla grow were should i take my cuttings from
  3. B

    Help me please - Bag seed - First grow

    That is the problem my girlfriend does not want plants in the house on the property is fine but not in the house i am in fl so weather is great lows are at 73 f and highs are 90 f so im ordering some cloning gel and im gunna give it a go ps were should i clone from
  4. B

    Help me please - Bag seed - First grow

    My plants are four weeks flower first i want to know if i can take clones from them and second is i can only grow outdoors can i clone outside like dip in root gel and whole cloning proCess and justkeep them outside
  5. B

    Help me please - Bag seed - First grow

    Thank you can i clone outdoors
  6. B

    Help me please - Bag seed - First grow

    I have a question can i cone now and can i clone outdoots please would love to know
  7. B

    Help me please - Bag seed - First grow

    First two pics are the same my bad lol
  8. B

    Help me please - Bag seed - First grow

    The rabbit was delicous and ten more weeks thats deppressing lol it should be worth it any way here is some week four today flowering
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