Recent content by Buzzsaw

  1. B

    Home test reliability

    Thank you Weed420 for your response. Beleive me I would rather be driving a truck than what I'm doing now. Another alterative I thought of is driving for a farm. There are plenty of them in my neck of the woods. They don't check anything. if you have a valid license and medical card, you're good...
  2. B

    Home test reliability

    I would say heavy smoker up until 2 weeks ago. I ran out of money, and its 2 weeks before the first check. So yea that helps. but I have been miserable. its like being "off your meds" for me. Bitchy, irritable, and short tempered. Can you say road rage? I have AD/HD and severe depression. But...
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    Home test reliability

    Well I can tell you what DOESN'T work. Those home test strips you can buy at Dollar Tree are worthless. I bought 10 of them and tested daily. it showed 2 lines (neg.) I had read somewhere that a chronic everyday smoker will test clean, but noone knows why.So I was lulled into a false security...
  4. B

    Current Legal Prices in Washington?

    Now that its been legal for a while, I was wondering what the legal price per gram is. ppl. from AZ. and Co. can wiegh in as well. I was considering moving out there after retirement. But I ain't paying no $30 a gram for skunk.the black market here its $10 a gram for the good stuff. Let me know...
  5. B

    Medical Marijuana Industry Is Unnerved by U.S. Crackdown

    yea why fight to keep it "legal" when they charge yuppie prices for everything? $80 an oz round here if you know where to look and its damn good
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