Recent content by bydabaybud420

  1. B

    Hello herb community!

    Snidrajsed your links were useful,i learned how to upload images, heres some pics from my first attempt
  2. first attempt

    first attempt

    my first (failed attempt) at growing, due to lack of knowledge and outside factors
  3. first attempt

    first attempt

    my first (failed attempt) at growing, due to lack of knowledge and outside factors
  4. first attempt

    first attempt

    my first (failed attempt) at growing, due to lack of knowledge and outside factors
  5. first attempt

    first attempt

    my first (failed attempt) at growing, due to lack of knowledge and outside factors
  6. first attempt

    first attempt

    my first (failed attempt) at growing, due to lack of knowledge and outside factors
  7. first attempt

    first attempt

    my first (failed attempt) at growing, due to lack of knowledge and outside factors
  8. first attempt

    first attempt

    my first (failed attempt) at growing, due to lack of knowledge and outside factors
  9. first attempt

    first attempt

    my first (failed attempt) at growing, due to lack of knowledge and outside factors
  10. B

    Hello herb community!

    In the past I had done some research and attempted to grow. i germinated some seeds my friend gave me and then planted it indoors with some grow lights. It was growing, (but i was not sure if it was a male or female plant), but then my roommate put them outside and they died.
  11. B

    Hello herb community!

    Hello everyone! i registered for this forum a few years back, but havent done anything untill now. I have been a medicinal user of marajuanna for a few years now, and enjoy its effects. Recently I moved into a recreactional marajuanna state and I want to learn how to grow bud! Im new to forums...
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