Recent content by cacti

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  3. C

    Weird burns on leaves

    My water hardness is 0,3 mmol/l = 1,7 °dH, so its soft water then. Yeah I've also noticed pH decrease over time and the lowest pH I've ever been is 5.2 and it seems calcium locks out in 5.4. Ofcourse i have always corrected pH as soon as possible. This sick plant is certainly different...
  4. C

    Weird burns on leaves

    I see. Maybe I'll try adding a little bit of lime and see if it affects at all. Im using normal tap water, but can't say if it is hard or soft. Maybe increasing pH levels would help because im usually trying to stay closer to 5.5 than 6. Thanks a lot for everyting!
  5. C

    Weird burns on leaves

    Thanks for the reply Fuzzy! Yeah im also almost certain that this is some sort of defiency. Plants are now almost two months old and this problem has been there from the begining. Im scared of putting more nutrients because it might cause overdose for my other plants. Maybe this plant is just...
  6. C

    Weird burns on leaves

    Hey guys! I have four feminized Aurora Indica plants growing in two 50 litre bubblers, under 400w HPS. Two plants on each bubbler. I am now 2 weeks in flowering and one of my plants is starting to show some really weird symptoms. Leaves look like someone poured some acid on them and then they...
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