Recent content by CannabisLover21

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  3. CannabisLover21

    2nd Grow: Auto Flowering Cobras

    That really sux, same here 3 out of 3 that were apparently feminize. At least we’re have pollen! :high-five:
  4. CannabisLover21

    2nd Grow: Auto Flowering Cobras

    Thanks so much, it was bummer to have the whole grow fail but the pollen seems like a happy outcome. The amount of pollen is unreal!
  5. CannabisLover21

    2nd Grow: Auto Flowering Cobras

    You guys are amazing l! :thanks:
  6. CannabisLover21

    2nd Grow: Auto Flowering Cobras

    Thats awesome, do I just remove some of the intact pollen sacs and put them in a mason jar?
  7. CannabisLover21

    2nd Grow: Auto Flowering Cobras

    So I think this grow is done? All of the pollen sacks are breaking open. I wont produce any flower?:straightface::( Sorry, for all of the questions!
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  14. CannabisLover21

    2nd Grow: Auto Flowering Cobras

    Will the male plant "hurt" the female plant at all? They last grow I had all females. Thanks for the help!
  15. CannabisLover21

    2nd Grow: Auto Flowering Cobras

    What is growing in the center the plants plant? Are they bud sites? My green crack plants looked different than these. Also I have been moving the outside during the day. Conditions and soil are the same as my green crack grow but the soil on these keep getting mold. I have been using cinnamon...
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