Recent content by Carretita

  1. C

    A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

    Hi Cajuncelt! Is this the thread where I can ask you about the suppositories? So im waiting for my scale and gel caps to arrive. I ordered them on amazon. I know you said to try the cocoa butter, but is there a specific reason for it? It seems it would be easy to add the amount of oil into a...
  2. C

    A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

    Hi Rhys, I was wondering how you are doing, and wanted to ask you about your experience with the suppositories. Can you tell me how you were able to get to the gram somquickly with suppositories, and what did you mix them with? Did you use gel capsules? I didnt see any other responses on...
  3. C

    Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

    Thanks everyone for the great information. I think i want to try the suppositories and went to look for them today, but there was only a larger size available, so i am going to get them in the morning. 94xjjohn, i dont have the ability to get the sativa strain yet, i have to wait to go back to...
  4. C

    Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

    Hi tptb, Thank you! My eyes are shutting down, so I will respond tomorrow. Thank you both, and have a good night. All my best to your wife. :thanks:
  5. C

    Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

    Hi Cannafan! Thanks for the response! How long did it take you to build up to your daily amount? When you tack and are doing it properly, does it still move around on your gum? I am constantly checking it in the mirror to make sure it's still there, but tonight I noticed it's swiggly, like...
  6. C

    Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

    Dear tptb, I am so sorry that your wife has stage 4 cancer, it is such an ugly disease. I will keep you guys in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for reaching out to me, I was very encouraged by it, knowing that I'm not alone in this and all of you guys are here. I'm 38 years old, and was...
  7. C

    Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

    Dear cajuncelt, My cancer is the subtype triple negative, it's growth is not hormonally driven, so the conventional treatment options are more limited than other types of breast cancer. It is very aggressive and now that it has metastasized to the skin again (first skin mets was last September...
  8. C

    Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

    Sorry, I forgot to ask another question that may be very important for me, since I have skin metastasis of my primary breast cancer, how can I make something to put on my skin? Can I dilute some oil with the coconut oil? Can you give some advice on how to do that, or other method? Thank you...
  9. C

    Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

    Hi my friends, I've been reading as much as I can regarding the racking, dosing, etc. So I was in Colorado when my oil was made. A friend with medical card bought 6 oz total of medical grade 20-24% THC indica dominant strains, 2 oz each Of a different strain. Then we followed instructions...
  10. C

    Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

    Dear RSOiler, thank you so much for your advice. I live in virginia and I obtained my oil in Colorado with some friends who bought medical grade high THC indica statins because we followed the Rick Simpson book. I don't have access to get any other type of strains right now, will this be ok?
  11. C

    Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

    Hi 94xjjohn, thank you so much for your kind words. I'm having such a hard time. I did oil yesterday about a small pin size and tried to get it to tack. It did eventually disappear quickly. But I didn't get really stoned and I know I reduced quantity. I have been on Percocet for a while now for...
  12. C

    Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

    Hi everyone, I need some help please. I have stage IV breast cancer and have been through all of the regular conventional treatments but am at a point where it isn't working very well anymore. I did some research and was able to make RSO with indica dominant strains and out of 5 ounces got about...
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