Recent content by classclown

  1. C

    Belgium, Germany Need to Open Their Own Cannabis Coffee Shops, Says Dutch Mayor

    Did the 60's not occur in belgium/germany? Where did all the real people go? If we ruled then, where are all the kids now? I was and still am a kid. Still nurtured and loved under the care of mommy marijuana and I'm never going anywhere else. I knew there were a few jerks who didn't like...
  2. C

    Reuters Admits Flawed Marijuana Reporting

    Reading Reuters before 420 is a very dangerous thing to do. Almost had a fucking heart attack. thank you for your extreme vigilance. Always, Peace
  3. C

    OPINION: Prohibition Doesn't Make Sense

    Now that the holier than thous have gotten their comeuppance behind the election, with more (please G-d) pounding to come in 2008, they really should re-evaluate. Global Warming is here and was here and they were on the wrong side and are still not openly active about it. I don't expect, after...
  4. C


    The truth is it's the smoke aspect. Why not vape?your brain and your tiny butterfly's will certainly more in tune. Have a brownie or two, I did..Smoked every day had a healthy one ok. 35 yrs ago before vaping, so I didn't know better. Good luck with it all....Jebus will help.
  5. C

    Enforce Medical Marijuana Laws

    You know, 430, I've always been a rabble rouser and the 80th time I read your post I understood a bit better what the essence of your posts are. I guess I sounded pretty feisty for a message replier but we are in a war dammit..I just go nuts..I don't try to pick a fight I just do..I'm very...
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    Enforce Medical Marijuana Laws

    Yes I am also a fool, but not the same reasons, though not necessarily a better fool...I am a fool because I am still standing for the utter crap that has been formally dined on by Amerika for too many excruciating years. Kick Big Pharma to the curb. I Knew I shoulda blown them up years...
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    Enforce Medical Marijuana Laws

    also 420, where is the right to smoke in this case, equateable with the need to smoke? Are the patrons not all victims of the big Pharma and the government? arren't these exactly the people who have been screamng for the right to self med w/MJ? Blame them, the victim? by sayingthey are coming...
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    Enforce Medical Marijuana Laws

    Children being what they are,of course you don't show a teenager (are you so stuck on the under 21's not having legal access?)a flier about what they already know about, on school time. To me, a big no-no. but not to penalize the WHOLE MOVEMENT for this. Get fucking real..PLEASE- Were you...
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