Recent content by CldyCrz

  1. C

    Go to work stoned?

    I love getting ripped before I go into work...I work at a movie theatre and our box office doesn't even have stools for us to chill on, so we're just standing there doing nothing all day - might as well get high...the funny thing is that I'm still getting promotions because I'm a firm believer...
  2. C

    Whats Your Fav. Blunt?

    I'd have to say if you can get a good Chocolate blunt wrap you're in good business - not sure who all makes Chocolate, so I'll have to go with peach optimos. Honestly there are a lot of tasty wraps out there, it's actually quite cool to mix it up every day, or every other day. But ya, peach...
  3. C

    Hola from MD

    haha ya I did notice I had the 420th post for topics, but I didn't want to toot my own horn so early on in the adventure. As for you happyhippy, I live in germantown, MD, which is about an hour away from parkville if mapquest is any type of accurate. Anyways, back to my movies - gotta love the...
  4. C

    Hola from MD

    Ya know I came to Maryland with high hopes of a nice bud in the midwest, all you hear about is how east coast and west coast buds are amazing (moreso in the west, gotta love Cali.) But for the couple months I've been here, at least half of it has been my friends telling me it's...
  5. C

    Hola from MD

    Hey guys, just stopping in for my introduction so I can get started on my 420times enjoyment. I just moved to Maryland a couple of months ago, trying to get everything situated, but I still find bud from time to time to chief on and get my hopes up about my new living environment. I'd love to...
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