Recent content by colonel kaya

  1. colonel kaya

    My vary small grow op

    I've seen computer case grows before on Overgrow and I've personally seen one done. You can safely get away with around 100 watts of CFL [ not the incandescent equivelant, the actual used wattage ]. If you LST [ Low Stress Train; that means frequently bending and gently twisting the stem when...
  2. colonel kaya

    My room grow set-up

    Re: My College dorm room grow set-up That's a nice grow box. I'm currently messing around with using something much smaller than what you've got there, height wise --- basically a gutted mini-refrigerator that's a little over two feet high on the inside. It's a bit wider and deeper than the...
  3. colonel kaya

    Seed starting soil?

    You could also use Jiffy-7 pellets. They're sphagnum peat with lime and a low, seed safe fertilizer that has some ammonium content to just get the seedling going. The pellets have a pH of approximately 5.3 and are wrapped in an eco-friendly degradable net. I've successfully germinated seeds in...
  4. colonel kaya

    Brown spots caused by HPS?

    Do those brown spots almost appear speckled on the leaves and visible even on the underside of them? Also, is there slight browning/yellowing around the edges on any leaves? Reason I ask this is a similar occurrence happened to one of my plants after a few light mistings a couple days ago.
  5. colonel kaya

    Hydro Question?

    Re: Hydro Question...? If you're serious about this and really want good results, I'd say go with a DWC [ Deep Water Cultivation ] system opposed to an Ebb and Flow. But, then again, there's MUCH less room for error in DWC systems.
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