Recent content by Crash-Burnout

  1. C

    Need answers

    ok cool good looking out yo
  2. C

    Need answers

    but i grow indoors so would i have to take the plant and sit it outside or is there another way to change the color inside? and i read that food coloring in the water helps too, is that true o.O
  3. C

    Need answers

    is there a way for me to to change the color or flavor of my buds
  4. C


  5. C


    ok so i got 2 seeds and i want to grow hydro style(indoor) -can i use any kind of lights or do i need a specific one? -where do i get the necessary items to grow -how long will it take -how to flavor weed during the drying process
  6. C

    New weed smoker/grower here

    whats up im C.Burnout but you can call me Crash for short i was wondering if i put a weed seed in a jar of water could/would it grow like hydro weed or something like that?? and i was also wondering how to flavor weed during the drying process and changing its color.
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