Recent content by crow1

  1. C

    Worried about a saliva test for Lowes

    THC lasts up to 5 hrs in saliva . eat a pack of salt & vinegar chips and it gone.
  2. C

    COBs - DIY or buy?

    Just with the pioneer 4 .does it have ir and uv ?
  3. C

    First grow - Do I have a hermaphrodite?

    I'd be emailing the shop you got them from.
  4. C

    Need help choosing LED lights

    Try perfect sun he has smaller to Neil see what he can work out for you. He was very helpful with my lights
  5. C

    Is my plant female or male?

    Little bit early. The 2 little green bits at the fork of the leaf should put out two little white bud hairs if female or if not 2 little balls if male.
  6. C

    Please help it's about to die!

    Just a quick question on the header tank. have you got a air stone in it. and are you watering at least once at night. Not watering perlite for 4 days is not good. your not aerating the roots
  7. C

    Is this a male or female?

    Males have balls witch form right at base of leaf and main stem. Female two little white hairs same spot as male balls.
  8. C

    Perfect Sun LED: Higher Par Than 1000w HPS, Save $50, Q&A

    running cost and buying cost was the big reason i 'm choosing the COB. also i've tried LED's with the veg & bloom switch with not much success. also tried just white light,bit slow in grow. the combination of led's and the cree's (for the extra spectrum) and the extra coverage makes good sense
  9. C

    Perfect Sun LED: Higher Par Than 1000w HPS, Save $50, Q&A

    i'm not to bad at the SOG under hps. best i,ve got is around 3 and 1/2 lbs from one plant.(super iced grapefruit not hard with this variety) very keen to get perfect suns COB going to see what i can do under led.
  10. C

    LED Lights

    just wondering if anyone has tried Bossled led lights look like it has all the right stuff and cheaper then the platinum's i'm currently using.
  11. C

    Comment by 'crow1' in media 'SCROG'

    looking at goimg to Led lights are there worth the evtra money?
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