Recent content by cuz'nhomegron

  1. C

    Fort Collins Pot Busts Made By 'Rogue' Federal Agents

    Sue the bastards so broke they have to live in a tent.
  2. C

    Hi Welcome to the Forum! Cuz'n Homegron

    Hi Welcome to the Forum! Cuz'n Homegron
  3. C

    Comment by 'cuz'nhomegron' in media 'Sade'

    Yes she enjoys MaryJane!
  4. Sade


  5. C

    July4th~Lets smoke sum Green!

    Happy 4th every one. I scored some stuff, we have a baked ham as well as us. Fire works too. aaaaha Florida life! Going to sit on baloney watch the show and bake.
  6. C


    Thanks! I will
  7. C

    Pipe & Bong Names

    My bong's name is Smokey RoorRip
  8. C


    Hi all :cool: Where is a good place to get seeds? Is Dope-Seeds a good place and are they discrete? Thanks
  9. C

    California to Legalize Weed for Everyone

    This is a great foot in the door for us. We can hope that this will spread to other states as well. I know for me and my back and my wife with RA this would be a great help. We live in Tn you get the 3 degree here for even wanting a friggin asprin. Part of the reason we are moving the hell out.
  10. C

    Whos the Craziest Person you Toked with?

    My wife she is a nut case when she is sober but when she is stoned she is even worse. I love that women.
  11. C

    Whats your favorite munchie food?

    Shake and Bake Chicken mashed potatoes or cold shrimp with sea sause or even better A1 stake sause oohhhhhhhh yummmmmmmmmm
  12. C

    You might be a pothead if.

    the sh@t on PBS makes sence
  13. C

    If you could get stoned with 3 people

    1. My Wife!!! (Oh ya!) 2. Willie Nelson (I interviewed him when I was baked but,he was not there) 3. My dad if he was still alive
  14. C

    DPS Destroys Millions Of Dollars Of Marijuana

    This is totaly WRONG!!!!!!!!!! Marijuana should be re-legalized. We have to start electing pro marijuana law reform canidates.
  15. C

    high you potheads!

    Welcome Welcome
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