Recent content by CynCritter

  1. C

    Lawmaker Doesn't Want Medical Marijuana Patients Smoking Their Meds

    Thanks for the links. Very interesting, and warrants some attention...
  2. C

    Lawmaker Doesn't Want Medical Marijuana Patients Smoking Their Meds

    If someone could direct me to liquid THC (don't have a clue how to make it!) I could try to do it with one of my used-up cartridges...
  3. C

    Lawmaker Doesn't Want Medical Marijuana Patients Smoking Their Meds

    I already have a vaporizer... But it's a little hard to carry with me! If the THC were in the screw-on filters that attach to the cigarette-appearing batteries, who would know if it's an e-cigarette or an m-cigarette?
  4. C

    Lawmaker Doesn't Want Medical Marijuana Patients Smoking Their Meds

    Why can't THC be vaporized like nicotine is, in the electronic cigarettes? I began using the e-cigarettes, more than a year ago, and haven't had a tobacco cigarette, since. It just seems logical to me that if nicotine can be vaporized in several strengths, THC should be a good candidate, as well.
  5. C

    2010 Growing A Plant Is Still Illegal

    We have to go about changing things the only way the government can deal with it--through first the States, and then the U.S. Supreme Court. You can moan and cry and swear all you want in these threads... it won't change a damn thing. We MUST find the appropriate loop-holes in the existing Laws...
  6. C

    2010 Growing A Plant Is Still Illegal

    I have a friend in Wisconsin who is a celebrated photographer, and the local Law Officers regularly check his yard and his house, whether he's out on assignment, or not. The one plant he grows is not yet illegal, so they can't touch him, yet... But the State Government keeps trying to get the...
  7. C

    California Tax Officials: Legal Pot Would Raise $1.4 Billion in Revenue

    What's next, then? Are they going to begin taxing all our other prescriptions? When marijuana is used ONLY as a prescribed drug for specific illnesses and/or symptoms caused by illnesses, WHY should it be taxed, at all, when pharmaceutical drugs with unknown to long-term and deadly side...
  8. C

    Cannabis Culture Lights Up The Festival

    Here is ANOTHER typical example of why other countries HATE the USA. We cannot keep our Federal Government from meddling in our own States' Rights issues, let alone keep them from meddling in other countries' affairs! Until the American people get the gonads to stand up and accunt for our own...
  9. C

    Can you smoke on a cruise ship?

    I just checked with a friend from Scotland who takes 12 cruises a year. She called HER travel agent to ask about the Grand Cayman Islands, as well as other trips - The Mediterranean, Hawaii, etc. Her travel agent was quite outspoken. "ANYONE who travels with a banned or controlled sybstance -...
  10. C

    OPINION: As Water Resources Dwindle, Hemp An Alternative To Logging

    The mere fact that our fearless government leaders continue such a hardline attitude with respects to hemp, shows just how out-of-touch with reality they have been for decades. We only need to research History going back a few years to realize how the lobbyists bought out Washington, and...
  11. C

    Can you smoke on a cruise ship?

    And JUNK FOOD, no doubt .... or at least that's how it used to work for me! Make sure it's not stale!
  12. C

    Can you smoke on a cruise ship?

    Yeah, but a MATURE one! Many years ago (1998) I went on a short cruise (5 days) and took several pre-rolled cigs with me. I had a below-deck, interior-cabin I was sharing with a good friend. I kept them wrapped in foil, inside a plastic container, inside a metal lozenge cannister ... and the...
  13. C

    Can you smoke on a cruise ship?

    How about checking with your travel agent? They are supposed to find out EVERYTHING to make your trip safe and comfortable. Lots of the ships now have cameras ... in the hallways, on the decks, etc. So if your travel agent can't tell you, research the cruise lines and international waters...
  14. C

    LA County to Issue Medical Marijuana ID Cards

    The prescription letters will still be accepted until their expiration dates. IF you apply for the ID card, you would be wise to take a RELEASE OF MEDICAL INFORMATION Form WITH you to the Los Angeles County Public Health Services when you apply in person. (Call first for an appointment...
  15. C

    California Resident w/PPO needs advice

    I have an appointment with the County scheduled for July 12th. This question is on my list of questions, although I don't hold out much hope that an Intake Worker - especially for something as NEW as I.D. Cards - will have any profound answers... If the rest of you who are reading this...
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