Recent content by d1C3

  1. D

    Im new here and got an accidental plant that is 1 and a half foot

    Good chance it's a male. Don't get too excited.
  2. D

    Who Likes Joints?

    point taken. I still prefer the trees.
  3. D

    Who Likes Joints?

    My point exactly buddy. They burn slower and if you aren't constantly sucking on it, they have a tendancy to go out and you find yourself relighting them for every hit. (Especialy when you are smoking ill, sticky weed.)
  4. D

    Cooling the smoke

    Ice is for special occasion bongs. Turns the bong into an activity, clean it spotless and ice it up - this man is getting married.
  5. D


    Do yourself a favour. Take a new cigarette butt and soak it in nail varnish remover. Acetone is not only extreamely toxic, but the bronchial mechanism within your lungs somewhat resembles the fiber glass within the butt. I think that you'd be much safer using Ethanol but I aint advising you...
  6. D

    Who Likes Joints?

    Hemp papers lare thin and transparent like that. I prefer the regular thick stuff, the thin papers don't burn too well. Each to his own...
  7. D

    extreme noob question: how do you smoke

    Just don't forget to take the pips out dude. Other than that, smoke it however the hell you want. If you get high you are doing it right.
  8. D

    Hey all.

    Good to know, 38.
  9. D

    9 Point Leaf Pot!

    Re: 9 Point Leaf Pot!!!!!! mate had a tree with 15 pts. +-2.5meter high. I had an 11 blader as well. Crush it, roll it up and smoke it dude.
  10. D

    Hey all.

    Hey all. New here. Pretty wicked forum. Grow tips are off the wall. Digging it.
  11. D

    Making your own glass bong

    I use glass bottles to make bongs. You need to get a little hand drill and a titanium coated bit or two. You do get diamond bits but they are costly. Then all you need is a hell of a lot of time. (get your mates to help when they are sitting around stoned with nothing to do) It makes a high...
  12. D


    Re: Bukket... We make similar contraptions out of 2l coke bottles and plastic bags. Not quite as glamorous but a lot cheaper than $20. Call it a lung.
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