Recent content by dayhut

  1. dayhut

    Marijuana Cultivation Can Be Welcomed, Done Right

    The usual statist response - only government can control perceived problems. Indeed, everything is seen as a problem. Never mind that people are both growing and using cannabis right under everyone noses... and the net effect is ZERO problems. Only when illegality enters the picture do problems...
  2. dayhut

    Grow Your Own Pot: Mexico City May Legalise Cultivation

    The Mexicans? Serious? We need to catch up....
  3. dayhut

    Now It's Up To Congress To Change Federal Cannabis Laws

    Here is some key verbiage: "Colorado lawmakers already get this point more than most. Rep. Jared Polis, who has already introduced legislation to move cannabis out of the Justice Department and into Agriculture, where it belongs, and allow bank access to cannabis businesses, told The Denver...
  4. dayhut

    End The War On Pot

    The Feds will stay out of it until real money begins to be made. Once you see merchandising and jingles, the Feds will show up. I hope we pick back up where we left off in 1937, and bring modern agri-biz to hemp. Medicine, and smoking cannabis for a buzz, these are only part of the story.
  5. dayhut

    End The War On Pot

    I'm new at this, trying to catch up. What does "ONDCP" mean?
  6. dayhut

    End The War On Pot

    very nice summary of the DOJ comments. Your conclusion is correct, too, in that it is a beginning. We are a long way from cannabis being the pharmacological and industrial item it should be, but this is a start. Thank you.
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