Recent content by DcNormal

  1. D

    Texas State Marijuana Lawyer Listings

    Surprised that James Gill isn't on this list! He's works out of Austin he's the guy who represented Barry Cooper. Who's Barry Cooper? The man behind and the world's most famous anti-drug activist: Barry Cooper Anyhow, I've worked a little with James and I can tell you he's a...
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    BID & Spiffy Do It Outdoors! Come Get Dirty With Us!

    Big thumbs up to the d-earth and BigIrish! Vigorous ant trail has disappeared after months of trying the poisonous crap from Home Depot. Waste of money that was :(
  3. D

    BID & Spiffy Do It Outdoors! Come Get Dirty With Us!

    oh nice idea... ! i will look for it. I tried making a cocktail of vinegar, cinnamon, and crushed cloves. It smelled nice, but it only slowed them down for a few hours.
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    BID & Spiffy Do It Outdoors! Come Get Dirty With Us!

    Anybody got any good recipes for ant repellant? I've got red ants in my garden. :rollingeyes:
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