Recent content by DelphiOracle

  1. DelphiOracle

    QTL mapping in cannabis

    Why isn't anyone doing QTL mapping in cannabis? With the new law reforms I think this should be done by the big breeders to select for strains that have 5 times the number of trichomes and trichomes all over the leaves and stems, etc. For anyone who's interested in this topic QTL mapping is...
  2. 12_1_1


  3. DelphiOracle

    2G of A Grade Amnezia Haze Into One Brownie Help?

    Go slow. Too much eaten is NOT a pleasant experience.. DO
  4. DelphiOracle

    Jj's VanillaKush Outdoor Hempy Scrog Journal 2014

    Beautiful plants, don't often see outdoor ScrOGs! Should be look, they've done very well so far. Interesting idea with the Christmas lights. Not sure they'll generate enough light to stop flowering! DO.
  5. DelphiOracle

    Growing 5 Indoors With Pictures

    Super healthy! Good luck, looking forward to watching the progression. :) DO
  6. DelphiOracle

    Canna Coconut Cream!

    Not too sure about cooking time, what do you think THsea? Maybe half an hour? Harvest your own coconuts? I've made my own coconut cream before, it's actually quite easy if you have the right tool. DO
  7. DelphiOracle

    Cannabutter Questions

    Never heard of anyone using water in their butter recipe before. What's it for? I've never run into problem just using straight butter. Works a treat in fact. DO
  8. DelphiOracle

    Techy's Critical Cheese - 2014 Grow Journal

    Haha, I'm staying tuned in! I just meant I was hopping off the computer. But I'll be sticking around, don't worry about that. :thumb: DO
  9. DelphiOracle

    Techy's Critical Cheese - 2014 Grow Journal

    Tuning in.. Tuning out... Best of luck dude. DO
  10. DelphiOracle

    Mars II 1600! Super Monster Scrog Pounder

    Sick thread. That idea with the cooler is ace. DO
  11. DelphiOracle

    healthy plant?

    She looks good Smokey, killing it for your first grow eh! DO
  12. DelphiOracle

    Greenhorn? What's A Greenhorn? You're A Greenhorn!

    Re: Greenhorn? What's A Greenhorn?? You're A Greenhorn! It is stories like this that are going to change the tide of public opinion. Really glad that you had such positive results and good to hear how you found noticeable differences between CBD alone and a 1:1 CBD:THC mixture. Hope you...
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