Recent content by DonGinandTon

  1. D

    1080w LED Inferno

    oh man will i not be in this months :S oh well. will do for sure man. quiet weekend this one cypress hill gig next one!
  2. D

    1080w LED Inferno

    cheers for the links man ill hit the threads up this weekend. im deffo going to enter next week i got a pal at work with an amazing camera he uses for soldering chips to boards. have a good weekend irish and peeps!:grinjoint:
  3. D

    1080w LED Inferno

    much love bro! you know after looking through the entries this month i might enter hahaa ill still vote for you tho! voting for yourself is like some bad juju
  4. D

    1080w LED Inferno

    i feel like a knowledge sponge round here, so wheres this nugshot comp business irish?
  5. D

    1080w LED Inferno

    thanks man. am gonna kick back here a while i reckon happy growing!:rasta:
  6. D

    1080w LED Inferno

    hey irish, thanks for the big welcome man, some real cool peeps round here! ive already learnt from the convo in the last couple of pages, im impressed with the knowledge level round here these boys know their onions!! going to try silica myself ive had some heat issues... the led vs hid...
  7. D

    1080w LED Inferno

    subbed fo sho :goodluck: cant wait to see what you pull with 1080w man!
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