Recent content by DopeBoyMagik

  1. D

    Help, what is causing this?!

    Thank you for all your help foremost, yea its not just the lower leads its seem to me that its the very first leads that were produeced because they are the largest, something I shouldn't worry about? I am using calmag but only 5ml so ill try bumping it to 10ml like you said makes sense. I'm...
  2. D

    Help, what is causing this?!

    Good news! Yeah I did notice they were on the very first set of fan leafs from early growth so its normal?! Yes I have calmag so is it to much I'm putting in?! m pretty sure I only put half of what was recommended, I did a flush 3days ago 6gallons for my 3gal plant is that enough for a flush...
  3. D

    Help, what is causing this?!

    Awesome sol es one thing! I actually have a couple times every couple days or so, with PhD water bad idea?? I would say my light is alittle over 2 ft away. Growing in soil. I did one 3days ago with 6 gal of water in a 3gal pot.
  4. D

    Help, what is causing this?!

    Ok guys if anyone could help me out It would be a life saver, I've posted to pics each a diff plant an can't seem to pin point the problem here, I have my females on general organics go box and can't determine what's causing this, my ph run off is 6.6 plz anyone's information
  5. D

    Yellowing of leaf tip? over watering?

    Yea I make sure I keep a close eye on it, I'm using what they recomend for Veg. Bio thrive grow, caMg, bio root, bio weed, an they say bio marine an diamond black is optional? Should i keep the last 2 nutes out? They are in 3gal, I feed wedenes days an water Saturday, it won't hurt the plants if...
  6. D

    Yellowing of leaf tip? over watering?

    Hmm well I have them under a 1000w Mh light, I'm using the generl organism nutes as recommended, I did accidently let my room get up to 85 which was probably no good a few times, I've used distilled water an if i don't I make sure my Phis between 6.5-7, the branches seem to be green top sides...
  7. D

    Yellowing of leaf tip? over watering?

    So my lower leaves on a couple plants are yellowing an curling at the tips? Also the branches seem to be sloping downward, is this to much watering?! They are 5 weeks old.. heres a pic of the one
  8. D

    Do these look healthy?

    Ok just a few question if ya could help I'd appreciate it, I'm a rookie at all of this I did a lot of reading an asking questions think I'm on the right track, first off I've noticed my plants have been happy with me feeding Wednesday an watering saturdays is this to long of a stretch for...
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