Recent content by Dr.GT

  1. D

    What would happen if.

    say instead of going through the whole making cannabutter, i just crushed the weed into a brownie batter, baked, and ate? would that still get me high? Just curious :peacetwo:. :ganjamon:
  2. D

    Alternative Bong Water

    Personally, i like to use fruit juice instead of water, on special occasions. Makes the smoke taste delicious
  3. D

    Tea from stems?

    I make tea with all of it. Some people think its a waste, but then again, i only use stress for it. You brew the tea using some sort of fat that you add to the water. Cream, butter... ect ect. I have also heard that you can use honey, but im not sure
  4. D

    Hey hey!

    Hey its Dr. GT from socal! just introducing myself. i had been a reader for a while before i sighed up, its seems like a pretty good site! happy token! :ganjamon:
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