Recent content by Dragonmumg

  1. D

    My first grow - I need help - Black spots on leaves

    look how was Now i will monitor to see appear new black spot
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  4. D

    My first grow - I need help - Black spots on leaves

    OK.6ofOne Thank you very much, Tomorrow I will change the container and I will take picture to show you guys. This black spot was infecting new leaves...I hope after this changing solve this problem, but I thank all members who are helping me.
  5. D

    My first grow - I need help - Black spots on leaves

    I had watered before of make the picture. Normally I just sauce when the soil is very dry. Normally between 2 days.
  6. D

    My first grow - I need help - Black spots on leaves

    Thank Guys. I will to change the container for see if these spots don't appear more. In relation the leaves already infected, should I cut them before changing the container ?
  7. D

    My first grow - I need help - Black spots on leaves

    Hello. I have a little problem with my plant. In 02 months has appeared some black dots on top of the leaves. I do not know how to avoid this fungus or removing it. I searched a solution and i found a article that said could be flies then I cover with a screen in the air input to prevent...
  8. D

    I need help - Black spots on leaves

    One day later and the strain is spreading. What can I do ? I did cut 04 small twigs with the leaves because they were dyeing... I use a platic container small with bores small in down, could be cause of the problem ?
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