Recent content by Dre tries to grow

  1. Dre tries to grow

    Weird looking leaves with a claw

    Yha Nk u so much Bill and friends for your generous help.. Highly appreciate iy
  2. Dre tries to grow

    Weird looking leaves with a claw

    I could say light is about 90cm roughly away I have the standard fixed fan on above the plant more so blowing on the light But during the day I have a oscillating fan abt 40cm away with the door open
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  5. Dre tries to grow

    Weird looking leaves with a claw

    26c 35% rh Are you thinking heat stress or poor circulation
  6. Dre tries to grow

    Weird looking leaves with a claw

    I do see pistols but the plant reacted better with the mh than this hps
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  9. Dre tries to grow

    Weird looking leaves with a claw

    Will do Would you be able to answer this. I changed my globe 600watt to the 400watt hps,but I put a metal halide in and the plants leaves were way more pointed up than the hps...... Does this mean I should should leave the MH in till I c buds forming then change to hps.. Keep in mind it's an...
  10. Dre tries to grow

    Weird looking leaves with a claw

    Greetings friend. Yes I agree I kind of did pluck abit much off her. For ph it's gona be difficult to say exactly as I use the GH drops so I vary it the best I can i go for 6 and add a drop or two of PH down just to bring it slightly under.. And also ph when I flushed her the...
  11. Dre tries to grow

    Weird looking leaves with a claw

    This kind of how it set up in the cupboard... The pics of them are a while back but just an idea of how they would normaly sit inside
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