Recent content by dtabbler

  1. D

    Closest thing to pot I can grow in an illegal state?

    Hops are one of the closest related plant to cannabis, however it is a bine, therefore may not be easy to grow indoors! But what a wonderful plant to grow, make some beer from it! other than that, definately grow a veggie garden man, find some unique heirloom tomatoes (i like cherokee purple)...
  2. D

    What Organic Based Fertilizer Should I Use?

    No defense from me, the info I put down was passed along to me from the soil "manufacturer" so I'm certain he would see it beneficial to replace your soil after every harvest. Additionally being from a farming area most farmers utilize crop rotations and also add large amounts of harsh...
  3. D

    What Organic Based Fertilizer Should I Use?

    plants deplete soils of minerals, nutrients, and everything else. Just because a soil is organic doesn't mean it will last forever. Do you smoke your organic herbs ashes? after all if it's organic why can't you just use it again?? and as I said, plenty of people have excellent luck growing with...
  4. D

    Basil and more Basil!

    Be cautious with your rose cloning, most roses are grafted onto separate root stocks, the rose you clone (above the root stock plant) may not have the same hardiness or characteristics of the mother plant due to its genetic alterations! also check to make sure you're taking the right rose! if...
  5. D

    San Pedro Cactus

    hey hey, good topic for me :) if its not rooted (just a cutting) which is typically how you get cacti like san pedros or peruvian torchs put about 3" of it in soil, and leave it in the dark for 30-60days, this will give it time to root in. after that put it outside in a sunny place, pedros and...
  6. D

    Basil and more Basil!

    I'm planning on growing a lot of basil indoors soon! i'm curious as to photoperiods and stuff. i'm going to take my grow tent and put a shelf in there with some T-5's i think, thai basil, spicy globe basil, and cinnamon basil are my favorites, however you should try lettuce leaf basil! they...
  7. D

    What Organic Based Fertilizer Should I Use?

    Miracle grow is NOT an organic fertilizer, additionally its full of salts which aren't that great for plants :) some will argue as to how great their plants do with miracle grow and some will argue how terrible their plants turned out with miracle grow. I personally recommend Dr. Earth's...
  8. D

    GLH Lights

    Re: --- Lights as i'm in a situation to be buying one or several LED lights and have been doing a lot of research, i'm curious as to why --- light company is being blocked out, they were one of the three companies i am looking into, along with stealth LED and Advanced LED
  9. D

    Another LED question

    I plan on contacting the three suppliers i'm looking at, but currently i'm planning on purchasing a LED grow light. I'm between the three most reputable companies i've seemed to find, Advanced LED and Stealth LED being two of them. by budget is in the $5-700 range, what is stricking up my...
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