Recent content by Dubdad25

  1. D

    Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

    Hi. Embarrassed to say that I read somewhere that biobizz all mix has enough nute's for 3 weeks of growth at veg. I totally didn't give my girls enough nitrogen from day one. I didn't add biobizz grow at all. Should I add some nitrogen to revive the plant along with the biobizz bloom? Feeling...
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    Ask Us Anything: Sharing Knowledge 420 Style

    Hi. I have two plants that are on 12/12 for last 6 weeks. I noticed 2 days ago one plant was clawing crazy. The other plant is fine. Thriving. Same size plants. Same watering and nutes. What is the problem with plant on the left? I am 1st time grower. The 1st 3 pics are my cindy99 The last pic...
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    Ireland - How can I avoid being caught?

    Hi buddy. I am in the very same boat as yerself. Growing just for me and the odd friend that may pop in. Keep things simple. I just started growing in Jan fir the 1st time ever. Bought my tent and kit in the uk from GroWell even though there are grow shops in Ireland the uk was by far more...
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    Scrog or no scrog

    Thanks. I was worried that in a few weeks the plants may hit the canopy. I have the garden plastic pipe cleaners to tie them down but glad I'm not harming my girls. Really excited about this little project and this morning I have had2 new shoots from seeds in rockwool sprout up. Jack flash#5 and...
  5. D

    Scrog or no scrog

    Thanks Richard. Putting one in there today. All info and comments really appreciated. Sent from my iPhone using 420 Magazine Mobile App
  6. D

    Scrog or no scrog

    Morning all. Well took pics under the 600w lamp this morning and have to say they look much better after the hair cut. I'm just using the scrog to lst the branches to get all the light. Would I need an internal fan in here as the extractor carbon fan does pull the tent inwards with pressure and...
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    Scrog or no scrog

    Hello. I have decided to buy my first grow tent kit. I have the bay6 xl tent set up BAY6 XL Complete Kit - Grow Tents & Sheeting | GroWell Hydroponics and I am growing feminised Cindy 99 and a CBD zen strain to start. The plants are 3 weeks into flowering 12/12 and I gave, for better or worse...
  8. D

    Cindy 99 #1 x Cindy 99 #4

    Looks good. I'm growing cindy 99 on my first grow. Planted from seed. Looks great. I'm about 5 weeks from seed. Can't wait to see what it smokes like.
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