Recent content by ee99ee

  1. E

    What is your favorite time to blaze?

    Re: anytime really me too
  2. E


    How many of you exercise 3+ times a week? I've been running over the past few months and I usually run 3-5 miles everyday. It feels great, but I've noticed when I smoke it becomes difficult. I'd like to get the best of both worlds, but I'm afraid I can't... just seeing if any of you exercise and...
  3. E

    What jobs dont drug test?

    I saw that too! -ee99ee
  4. E

    Senator Kerry graded on Medical Marijuana

    While the medicinal use of marijuana is a very important issue to me, there are many more important issues that need to be considered when casting a vote. It's not possible to find a president who is going to be perfect and see everything exactly as we see. I think this election is more about...
  5. E

    President Bush Graded on Medicinal Marijuana

    While the medicinal use of marijuana is a very important issue to me, there are many more important issues that need to be considered when casting a vote. It's not possible to find a president who is going to be perfect and see everything exactly as we see. I think this election is more about...
  6. E


    Anyone get migrains or stress headaches? I've found that weed really gets rid of them, fast. I was going to stop smoking, but yesterday I had a REALLY painful stress headache and just decided to smoke again. After about 20 min, no more headache for me. -ee99ee
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