Recent content by enigmatic

  1. E

    Help me get my life back Please

    Where I'm from it's impossible to find processed weed, whether it be oils,hash,food products,etc. The dealers in my city only care about making quick cash they don't care about the peoples needs. They call my city deadmonton for a reason lol, In all my years of smoking I have yet to come across...
  2. E

    Help me get my life back Please

    thanks and welcome, my doc appt was awkward, she knew something was wrong with me and tried to get it out of me but I would rather talk to a shrink, someone I only see once and never have to see again..y'know? I have to wait 4 months to see a psychiatrist( to sign my B2 forms) or I can go see a...
  3. E

    Help me get my life back Please

    again...thank you so much've been a lot of help and you're making things a lot easier for me to process. I think I will go with the harlequin like you recommended- my concerns at this point would be the heat signature- it's almost winter and i'm wondering If there would be a way I could...
  4. E

    Help me get my life back Please

    I know that I have to be careful with what I say to shrinks, I don't want to hurt/kill anything and the only gun I own is an AK-47 air-soft that I used to get rid of the magpies that were bullying my cat non stop..and even then I hesitated in pulling the trigger- with 4 or 5 magpies swooping...
  5. E

    Help me get my life back Please

    thanks man- I think I won't be asking my Doc about MMJ until I actually get diagnosed with a mental illness- that way she can't look at me like i'm just bringing it up so I can get high..she knows I smoke Marijuana, but she doesn't know WHY. So my plans as of this Thursday- See my primary, set...
  6. E

    Help me get my life back Please

    Exercise doesn't work in the sense that it doesn't put me to sleep even if my muscles are super tired/sore-it's strange. I think i'm just going to start my own closet grow, I will be going to see my primary physician in two days and I will ask her for the first time if MMJ would be viable for...
  7. E

    Medical Cannabis Doctors in Edmonton

    thank you for the kind words and motivation- believe me when I say I will never give up the fight ~ i'm only looking to make things a bit easier on my mind/body/soul. :Namaste:
  8. E

    Help me get my life back Please

    thanks again!~ oddly enough,I have spotted some plants in my neighbors backyard, I'm pretty sure he is a MMJ patient but I don't want to be intrusive and ask him which doctors he went to OR if he can help me- I used to take a rather mild anti-anxiety pills ( forgot the name ) when I was 16 but I...
  9. E

    Help me get my life back Please

    Thank you so much for the kind and motivating words guys- I have studied the effects and benefits for medical marijuana, right now i'm at a crossroad where the stuff I get from the street doesn't phase me anymore- my mind and body is desperate for a break and I think it's time to either, move...
  10. E

    Help me get my life back Please

    thank you for the reply- believe me man I know.. that's why It has taken me 5 years to finally say enough and seek professional guidance, I refused to talk to a psychiatrist because they're just going to tell me what I already know. I guess I should say my main goal is getting a MMJ license...
  11. E

    hello :)

    hello friends, I've always came to 420magazine for cannabis related information- first time registering an account. I hope i'll enjoy my stay, some things to come in the future include an indoor FIRST TIME grow ( one or two plants only ) please take the time to read my other posts- they are...
  12. E

    Help me get my life back Please

    this is a re-post because I originally posted this in the MMJ doctors listing ( might have been the wrong one ) maybe you peoples will have better answers for me- I can only hope. Hello good peoples of 420magazine, I came across this forum on my quest to getting my life back- I hope you...
  13. E

    Medical Cannabis Doctors in Edmonton

    Hello good peoples of 420magazine, I came across this forum on my quest to getting my life back- I hope you guys/gals have some spare time to help me out. Long story short my life has been a mess for the last 10 years, after I watched my Father pass away infront of me while on vacation when i...
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