Recent content by faithless

  1. F

    How To Roll A Tulip Joint

    Tulips fucking rule. I used to smoke them back in the day. I'm too lazy though at the mo. Usually smoke them at party's though. Sweet guide, i'd use it if i didn't do it my way lol
  2. Blunt ready to smoke

    Blunt ready to smoke

    First time i've skinned up a blunt from a cigar.
  3. Blunt with weed

    Blunt with weed

    The Blunt being filled up with some sticky Blueberry
  4. The Start of the Blunt

    The Start of the Blunt

    A hamlet cigar opened and emptied
  5. Smokin


    The creamy goodness from my Steamroller
  6. Homemade Steamroller

    Homemade Steamroller

    Homemade Steamroller made with a wrapping paper tube cut down
  7. Joint and a Blunt

    Joint and a Blunt

    Joint and a Strawberry Blunt
  8. F

    What do you roll on?

    I roll on the thigh's of a virgin
  9. F

    vaporizer question.

    Re: vaporizer question..... I've got a Blue Meanie, but the electrics got fucked when i spilt Fanta on it. So it burns it slower now and i get a nice cleaner weedier tasting hit.
  10. Cup full of joints

    Cup full of joints

    Smoke time
  11. F

    Golden Wraps

    I've tried chocolate, peach and strawberry. I thought the peach ones tasted very soily. The other two were really nice, far too expensive in england though.
  12. Liquorice Doobie

    Liquorice Doobie

    Got some liquorice papers and some weed off my dad, so i made this
  13. Last Bowl :(

    Last Bowl :(

    Last Bowl :(
  14. A nice bowl

    A nice bowl

    A nice packed bowl
  15. F

    Firecrackers w/pics

    The first cracker had about double of the second layer (first picture) I cooked it for 21mins and ??seconds. I thought it had a taste OBM, i rather unusual mishmash of PB and weed. Anyway next time i get a quarter, i'm gonna make a batch, start muching in the morning and by tea time i...
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