Recent content by Felenari

  1. Felenari

    Colorado Farmers Prepare To Register For Hemp Licenses

    There will come a day when there's no thc restriction and it will completely overshadow all other industrial crops combined. When cbd hits the same level of production as ibuprofen we'll have genetically engineered crops that can be turned into cheap renewable lumber and paper and at the same...
  2. Felenari

    Washington State Lawmakers Get Earful From Pot Advocates

    And anger is no way to solve an argument. All it does is remove the option of peaceful debate, where things can be resolved. Let's not forget how bad of an influence "reefer madness" was where smokers were depicted as raving nymphomanic lunatics that turned into psycho killers etc. That movie...
  3. Felenari

    Making a stash/roller box

    Re: Making a stash/roller box. I'm taking pictures, start to finish. It'll probably be a while before it's done tho.
  4. Felenari

    Making a stash/roller box

    Re: Making a stash/roller box. I wish. I still need to angle the ironwood (need a good saw for that with an awesome blade) then I can start making the mirror bottom and after that I'm starting on the screen levels. The lid is finished but I need to build the locking mechanism still and the...
  5. Felenari

    Making a stash/roller box

    Re: Making a stash/roller box. Just got my screens from some dude on ebay. Good screens for a good price. Got 125, 165 and 250 micron screens in stainless for 37$ total. 14x20".
  6. Felenari

    Colorado Pot Law Called Springboard For Other States, Including Montana

    Favorite quote of the month I think. "Don't call recreational marijuana laws an experiment, Tvert said. "In fact, the experiment was marijuana prohibition, and that experiment failed."
  7. Felenari

    Supporters Of Marijuana Legalization Rally In Huntington, West Virginia

    If Del. Tim Armstead believed his own words he'd rally to get over the counter speed off the market and make alcohol a more controlled substance.
  8. Felenari

    California May Become Third State To Legalize Weed, Surprise!

    And people wonder why we don't trust the government.
  9. Felenari

    California May Become Third State To Legalize Weed, Surprise!

    @AnnaDoses, Didn't know that. I'm not very up to date on this country's system yet. Been here for ten years but still. :-P
  10. Felenari

    California May Become Third State To Legalize Weed, Surprise!

    Is there anywhere we can donate/support this specific group collecting signatures? I looked on the original website but they were lacking the link. It's good to see gavin doing something productive.
  11. Felenari

    Medicinal Marijuana Striking Out In Major League Baseball

    I remember Michael Phelps being scrutinized for using Marijuana. I'd love to see these legislators abuse their bodies to become the best in their field and then be left high and dry without anything for chronic ailments.
  12. Felenari

    Industrial Hemp Is More Efficient, More Valuable Than Cotton

    I would love to see the scientific data behind all this. Perhaps someday soon we can go entity without pesticides and used setting local ecosystems. One can hope.
  13. Felenari

    Making a stash/roller box

    Re: Making a stash/roller box. Thanks dude. ^-^
  14. Felenari

    Making a stash/roller box

    Re: Making a stash/roller box. @TanR, people tell me I'm stuck in the wrong century all the time dude. Renaissance man btw. :-P @ColoradoHigh, I wish I had a grow room. I tried growing twice and I got a mangled male/female hybrid and two males. I am building a new workshop that's all redwood...
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