Recent content by First Time

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  4. F

    Volcano: how do you vape it?

    High :) glad to hear you bought a crock pot/slow cooker. The last batch of weed i bought was just OK to smoke but turning it into butter was the best thing to do.. for me anyway.. have you tried pressing it?? I'm more old school and went through a phase of trying dabs etc but soon got bored of...
  5. F

    Growing Northern Light by Fastbuds

    Growing Northern Light by Fastbuds
  6. F

    Volcano: how do you vape it?

    Hi all... we've been trying to cut down on the smoking pure bud and after trying a friends volcano we new we had to get one. We opted for the manual version & usually vape 2 or 3 times per chamber starting on heat setting 5-6. Our stash lasts a lot longer now and we'll maybe smoke 1 joint...
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