Recent content by Flodas

  1. F

    When it hits the fan - curling leaves heat, rh?

    hey the leaves are back to normal but since i had that humidifier it is possibible that i have goten mildew problem? look at theese white circles some plants are younger than 2 weeks and the white cirles appear on the lower to leaves on almost al the plants? its not so easy to se in the picture...
  2. F

    When it hits the fan - curling leaves heat, rh?

    alright but i use Gold Label and in the nut scheme it says i should start with 5.2 and to 5.8 in flower :S ? i will start checking the ph runnoff imediently. I have got it all wrong there then thank you for the info and ill write an uppdate tomorrow. Här hittar du näringsscheman för...
  3. F

    When it hits the fan - curling leaves heat, rh?

    i did trow in a new ventilation thats 50 percent stronger than the last one. Then i moved the lamp further away from the tops and watered with nuts. Im not checking the runoff water but im controlling the nutemix so it is at 5.5ph and aprox 0.9ec -3 background water. Is it nessecary to check the...
  4. F

    When it hits the fan - curling leaves heat, rh?

    Hello again im experiencing problems and dont know whats causing it my leafs are turning upwards so it look like a bowl in the leafs. The colour is good exept on one plant its dark green ! I bought a humidifier 1week ago i put it in the grow room and settled it to 65RH now i have seen very...
  5. F

    Diesel Kush Afghan Kush

    That sounds reasonable i will give it a shot. A increased veg is probably the best way to get higher yield. What kind of toping do u use ? Thank you for the reply / Flodas
  6. F

    Diesel Kush Afghan Kush

    Hello im trying to run a proffesional garden in coco and try to do is as ngood i can! I have Diesel Kush and Afghan Kush they are short plants abit bushy, I have no height or room restrictions but the problem is that i dont now if the yield will be bigger if i top them or lst or hst them or...
  7. F

    Ozone generators

    great thank you
  8. F

    Ozone generators

    Hello im woundering how mutch mg/h my generator has to produce to effectively depollute a room on 10sq meeters? Is it any dangerous to have the generator on meanwhile im in the room for 5 or 6 Hours? And the last question is if u know any european site that sells ozone generators that are...
  9. F

    Security aspects

    Thank you :)
  10. F

    Security aspects

    Thank you for the replie after ur answear i now understand the procces ! / Flodas
  11. F

    3-4 Week Veg

    the soil could be the problem it really looks like u have picked up some soil in the garden lol theres som grass growing in the left side of the bucket i would recommend to buy some reall soil at ur nearest flower shop replant it and be very carefull! Normaly soil bags that u buy there have nuts...
  12. F

    Room getting too hot with both lights on

    Maybe i can help i usually have a fan blowing straight at the bulbs. Put ur ballast outside the tent or the area if u can. Put in an air-socket so the air distributes everywhere.
  13. F

    3-4 Week Veg

    Are u giving it enought light and what soil have u planted it in is it nutritios? My plants are 7 days old and theyr not far from what ur looks but then im in hydro alsoe but anyway. I would say that you need to wait for it to be mutch mutch bigger!
  14. F

    Security aspects

    Hello everybody i have been sneaking around here in the 420 forums for some time now and i desided to register so hello budsmokers :high-five:now to the question. I have a humidifier in my room and im having a constant rH 65. Is it any dangerous or chanse for fire or failure to the electrical...
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