Recent content by foco

  1. F

    Medical Marijuana Advocates Won't Challenge Petition Drive

    Actually this petition drive was put together and pushed by an ex-cop and mayor, an ex-sheriff, and the wife of a wing nut city council member citing the same old bullshit about crime and all the undesirable potheads coming to town since the county and surrounding communities have banned...
  2. F

    Sure to Grow

    compared to rock wool?
  3. F

    Marijuana Cultivation Leads To Child Abuse Charges: New Way To Target Home Grows?

    What about home brewers and wine makers? These substances are certainly controlled and also leagle to "manufacture" at home. Are these folks in danger of the same treatment? Does this mean if there's a kid at my house and I manufacture a cigarette (roll one), I can be arrested? These people are...
  4. F

    California Rallying Cry?: Vote Green, Not Brown

    Whoa there Slow. I grew up in the South in the 50's & 60's. If what you suggest had been leagle, Jim Crow would still be the law of the land and I'm sure quite a few states would still have slavery.
  5. F

    California Rallying Cry?: Vote Green, Not Brown

    As an outside observer, it seems to me one of the main causes of your "mess" is the electorates rejection of representative democracy in favor of your half assed direct democracy in the form of "the ballot initiative". As Athens discovered, thousands of years ago, the only way this system even...
  6. F

    Marijuana Cultivation Leads To Child Abuse Charges: New Way To Target Home Grows?

    I doubt she even believes that. Also, publishing the address of a leagle grow? Really?
  7. F

    Windsor Wrestles With Medical Marijuana Rules

    “We make adult businesses locate 750 feet from residentially zoned areas, but we're only going to require 35 feet for marijuana dispensaries?” Kelly asked. Did he really compare medicine to porn??? Where do they find these idiots?
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